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Company Management Policy

Our mission is to provide a solid and reliable service which recognises the importance and value of our Customers, Subcontractors and Suppliers.


Our Company’s main objective is to provide services in a profitable manner which conforms to the contractual requirements of our customers, the requirements of all applicable Statutory and regulatory requirements.


To accomplish this, our Company has established, and maintains, an effective and efficient Integrated Management System in compliance with the respective applicable Standards. This includes the effective management and control of Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental issues associated within our works.


It is also Company Policy to ensure that management and production personnel are fully conversant with the Management System and Company objectives. This is achieved through a process of ongoing education and training at all levels within the Company. This includes the allocation of appropriately trained and qualified staff and resources to undertake specific tasks.


One of the key elements that t our Company has identified as critical to maintaining our standard of service delivery is the quality and performance of our employees. As such, all endeavours are made to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, in which their input to the system is valued and appropriately rewarded.


Similarly, the Company recognises its obligations to the environment. It is policy to comply with all relevant Environmental Acts, regulations as well as moral obligations and community expectations. Environmental impacts of our processes, be they existing, or new, are considered at all times, and where necessary, appropriate preventive measures put in place to ensure that no breaches of these obligations can occur.


The Company actively seeks and encourages development of long term relationships with our Customers. The Company seeks feedback from customers on a wide range of performance related issues, including both current and future requirements or opportunities. The method of ensuring appropriate outcomes from customer feedback, including complaints, is to recognise and formalise, as appropriate, those issues related to the Management System. Where the issue, or complaint is a formal breach of the requirements of the System, Customer Specification or is an identified operational defect, the details are recorded and addressed by the Directors of the Company.